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lady Escort in Birmingham FR


This terrific Eastern European damsel has all the qualities you would expect to see in a top class Birmingham escort. From an aesthetic and physical perspective she is absolutely scrumptious, alluring and desirable. As you would expect, when she strides out in the city escort in Birmingham Vicky gets a lot of attention, turning a few heads. She possesses the slenderness of a model with her excellent bust giving her the extra S*x appeal you would associate with a centerfold girl. From a glamour point of view Birmingham escort Vicky has it all with men eager to be seen by her side. Her sense of style adds to the allure she has as she is able to carry off anything she wears with panache. Her physical beauty is not the only thing that makes her a great escort in Birmingham her enthusiasm and eagerness to give an exception service is an added attraction. She speaks good English with a sexy continental accent which almost has an entrancing and bewitching effect with her clients hanging on every word. Above all she is good at what she does and has an open minded approach which suggests that she enjoys entertaining respectful gentlemen.

Détails personnels

Agence escorte
lady Escort
26 années
163 cm / 5'4"
Couleur de cheveux
Couleur des yeux
Langues secondes
Anglais (couramment dans le mot et la police)

Plus de détails


Prestations de service
Événement escorte, Soirée escorte, Hôtel visite, Visite de la maison et de l'hôtel, Dîner escorte

Pour les définitions, voir escorte wiki

Rencontre avec
un homme
dans tout l'État, Incall (Visite personnelle), Déplace (visites de l'hôtel)

Plus de services

Les taux

Devises acceptées

(depuis: 100 GBP"1h")
Les taux
Devises acceptées:
Tarif "1h":
100 Livre sterling
Tarif "2h":
190 Livre sterling
Tarif "3h":
270 Livre sterling
Tarif dîner "4h":
300 Livre sterling

Plus de taux


langues de contact
roumain, Anglais
Ne pas payer à l'avance par Transcash, billets PCS, Neosurf ou tout autre moyen de paiement anonyme. Les offres de méthodes de paiement anonymes sont principalement des arnaques! Veuillez nous signaler ces profils.

Private messenger Vicky
Vicky a terminé la conversation.
Vicky ne souhaite plus être contacté.