Sensual Touch | Tantra | BDSM | Sex Coaching
My Tantric Magician service is open to women, men, and all genders, expressions, identities, and relationship styles.

Damian Kifaru

mens Escort in New York City

(stati Uniti)

My Tantric Magician service is open to women, men, and all genders, expressions, identities, and relationship styles.

My extensive training in tantra, philosophy, somatics, massage, touch, and simply holding space, all benefit your healing.

Seekers who find me feel they have stuck energy or untapped wells of grief, pain, or authentic expression. Together we’ll explore a safe space to feel the full range of your potential. You’ll leave in peace, energy, freedom, and joy.

I also work with sacred S*x healers who are feeling drained or emotionally cluttered from holding space for their clients. I support them to release so they feel recharged and excited about their own work. Clients say they move from tired to inspired and from a stuck mess to a fuck yes!

Happy to work in your space.
Typical sessions last 1.5 – 4 hours and the average exchange is $950
$700 for 90 minutes
$900 for 2 hours
$1, 300 for 3 – 4 hours

To find out more about my offerings and to book a session please email me at:

I will send you an intake questionnaire and we will schedule a phone call to discuss your goals. We will also have an after-call to see how you are integrating and discuss next steps. If you’d like to create a package of sessions to fully support your transformation, we can design that in our after-call.


“Damian created a solid container well before our session with poignant inquiry and detailed communication. When we met in person, he brought his calm, loving presence, which helped me to feel spacious, safe and comfortable as we laid out our intentions and boundaries and created a sacred container together. Our session was a co-creation but Damian’s smooth energy and perceptive intuition helped to guide and contain the session in, what felt like, a bubble of light. He knew when to encourage the flow and when to hold space and just allow. I still feel the reverberations of his healing touch.”

“Damian is an exquisite space holder: super calm, super grounded, and super attuned. I have always felt completely safe in any container that he’s held. And he has held some pretty wild ones that I’ve participated in! I am quite in awe of the magic, beauty, and healing that has resulted both for me and many others that I shared these spaces with. Damian is also just a wonderful and absolutely hilarious human. I feel my life becoming more interesting and enjoyable around him. May we all be so lucky to get to work with someone like Damian!”

“I don’t know what it is but something about you gives me an enormous amount of comfort and trust.”

“We all have deep inner knowings. Damian is adept at asking the questions that allow clients to intentionally connect with these personal truths. He functions as an ambassador, reintroducing parts of self that may have lost touch with each other. A session with Damian is like coming home to oneself.”

Dati personali

escort indipendente
mens Escort
43 anni
176 centimetri / 5'9"
Colore dei capelli
biondo scuro
Colore degli occhi
Tiro con l'arco, Arte, Concerti, cucinando, Culture, Ballare, Culture straniere, Andando fuori per un buon pasto, Massaggi, Musica, Fotografia, Lettura, Viaggio, Benessere
temi di conversazione
Arte, Chimica, Cultura, Ambiente, Finanze, Salute, Storia, Internet, Le lingue, Filosofia di vita, Logistica, Marketing, Natura, Religione, Scienza, Tecnologia, Turismo
“Damian is an exquisite space holder: super calm, super grounded, and super attuned. I have always felt completely safe in any container that he’s held. And he has held some pretty wild ones that I’ve participated in! I am quite in awe of the magic, beauty, and healing that has resulted both for me and many others that I shared these spaces with. Damian is also just a wonderful and absolutely hilarious human. I feel my life becoming more interesting and enjoyable around him. May we all be so lucky to get to work with someone like Damian!”

“I don’t know what it is but something about you gives me an enormous amount of comfort and trust.”

“We all have deep inner knowings. Damian is adept at asking the questions that allow clients to intentionally connect with these personal truths. He functions as an ambassador, reintroducing parts of self that may have lost touch with each other. A session with Damian is like coming home to oneself.”

“In ritual, the space held is so solidly anchored in loving neutrality that your being is safe to surrender to the deepest depths. A thoughtful deep listener, Damian conducts a space that satisfies each level of consciousness and welcomes your psyche to relax and receive the medicinal transmission. It is so powerful to feel so deeply held through a transformative process. Thank you Damian for your steadfast devotion to creating and holding powerful containers of transformation.”

Più dettagli


Visita della casa e dell'hotel

Per le definizioni vedere escort wiki

Incontri con
un uomo, una donna, un paio, un gruppo, Persona con disabilità
a livello nazionale, Trans (visite hotel)
Tantra massages
4+ anni

Più servizi


Valute accettate
Dollaro statunitense

(da: 700 Dollaro statunitense"1,5h")
Valute accettate:
Dollaro statunitense
Frequenza "1,5h":
700 Dollaro Americano
Frequenza "2h":
900 Dollaro Americano
Frequenza "4h":
1300 Dollaro Americano
Altre offerte:
Happy to work in your space. Typical sessions last 1.5 – 4 hours and the average exchange is $950
$700 for 90 minutes
$900 for 2 hours
$1,300 for 3 – 4 hours

Altre tariffe


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