
Escort Massage Izumo

Escort signora in Tokyo


Agenzia: JHEG Ueno

Izumo's Tokyo escort service stands out with a diverse array of erotic services tailored to ignite your deepest desires. Her offerings, including oil massage, handjob, and more daring services like blowjob and sumata, are meticulously designed to deliver the pinnacle of erotic massage and deli-heru. Izumo creates an environment that is not just comfortable, but also intensely stimulating.
Her unique body-to-body approach guarantees a sensual journey from start to finish. From the moment you step in, through the shower, massage, and climax, Izumo ensures an unbroken, intimate experience.
Izumo's speciality lies in the mastery of Kaishun pressure points. Coupled with sensual licking technique, she will take your sensory experience to new heights.
Izumo transcend traditional girlfriend experience (GFE) by introducing a fusion of testicle massage and blowjob, sumata and handjob, complemented with visual stimuli to craft a truly distinct experience.
Her comprehensive service package includes intimate body wash, soothing massage, full body licking, Kaishun massage, sumata with handjob (genital contact is strictly prohibited), soft touching (lower body touching is not allowed), blowjob without a condom, full-nude body-to-body interaction, testicle licking, and testicle massage.
With her continuous body-to-body approach and fervent licking techniques, Izumo is your ultimate choice for a sensual escape. Izumo is committed to delivering an experience that will linger in your memory.

Dati personali

agenzia di escort
Escort signora
31 anni
178 centimetri / 5'10"
Colore dei capelli
Colore degli occhi
Seconde lingue
Inglese (conoscenza di base)

Più dettagli


Visita della casa e dell'hotel

Per le definizioni vedere escort wiki

Incontri con
un uomo
Trans (visite hotel)

Più servizi


Valute accettate
Yen giapponese

(da: 18700 Yen giapponese"1h")
Valute accettate:
Yen giapponese
Frequenza "1h":
18700 Yen Giapponese
Frequenza "1,5h":
27500 Yen Giapponese
Frequenza "2h":
35200 Yen Giapponese
Frequenza "3h":
52800 Yen Giapponese

Altre tariffe


Contatti e orari di apertura
From 1PM to 1AM - Monday to Sunday
lingue di contatto
giapponese, Inglese
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