Butterfly Touch
TOP London escort Agency
0777 355 9999
Sensual massage and escort services
0777 355 9999
Butterfly Touch Agency
0777 355 9999


Escort signora in Londra

(Regno Unito)

Agenzia: Butterfly Touch

❤ Jessica ❤ Young and Fresh Sweet, and Welcoming Young Escort Masseuse
Jessica is absolutely gorgeous delightful 24 yo babe who will make your eyes light up every step of the way.

She is bubbly, vibrant and beautiful when it comes to the art of passion and she always has on her mind that her guy should be happy contented and wanting to come back for more! Jessica loves parties and clubs as well as quite evening in a restaurant or in your hotel room. She truly enjoys being escort and your time with her is all about you.
Jessica offers a range of GFE services and loves to calm her man down with a very nice naked sensual massage after he is totally spent from their hot session. She sets herself apart from the others with her wonderful compassion and friendliness.

Jessica is waiting in her boudoir to give you that pleasurable experience you have had on your mind the whole day long!!! So come along and let her blow your mind! Incall in her private apartment in South Kensington, SW3

See full list of services and rates

Phone to book though Butterfly Touch 0777 355 9999 We are looking forward to pleasure of your call

Dati personali

agenzia di escort
Escort signora
25 anni
163 centimetri / 5'4"
Colore dei capelli
Colore degli occhi

Più dettagli


escort evento, Fiera di scorta, Responsabile scorta, escort Sera, Partito scorta, visita hotel, Visita della casa e dell'hotel, Cena scorta

Per le definizioni vedere escort wiki

Incontri con
un uomo
Incall (visita personale), Trans (visite hotel)

Più servizi


Valute accettate
Sterlina inglese

(da: 100 Sterlina inglese"0,5h")
Valute accettate:
Sterlina inglese
Frequenza "0,5h":
100 Sterlina Inglese
Frequenza "1h":
150 Sterlina Inglese
Frequenza "2h":
300 Sterlina Inglese

Altre tariffe


Contatti e orari di apertura
10am till late / most days
lingue di contatto
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Private messenger Jessica
Jessica ha finito la conversazione.
Jessica non desidera più essere contattato.