Butterfly Touch
TOP London escort Agency
0777 355 9999
Sensual massage and escort services
0777 355 9999
Butterfly Touch Agency
0777 355 9999


Escort signora in Londra

(Regno Unito)

Agenzia: Butterfly Touch

Our London escort and massage agency would like to introduce you the charming and hot blonde PSE escort model Vanessa.
Vanessa is not just a busty, sexy blonde, but also a highly skilled massage specialist, with the help of light music and massage oil, she can make you forget the city fuss and problems and plunge into the world of relaxation. Vanessa will open in you a spiritual, burning desire to be near her, to feel her velvety skin touching and rubbing your body.
With the gentle blonde girl Vanessa, you can have wonderful time talking on any topic you prefer, she’s quite outspoken and positive in dealing with clients. Surround yourself with a pleasant sexual atmosphere that winds, and disposes to cheeky conversations without embarrassment.
Vanessa gets tender words, hot compliments, strong men's hands and beautiful underwear. She loves when a man dominates, and she can realize your most shameless desires and fantasies. She has a large collection of corsets, stockings, belts and lingerie. Do not deny yourself the pleasure, enjoy the pleasant moments with the busty beauty. Sweet Vanessa loves various sexual and fetish attributes and can readily show off her skills.

Call Butterfly Touch to book an unforgettable date!
0777 355 9999

Dati personali

agenzia di escort
Escort signora
26 anni
164 centimetri / 5'5"
Colore dei capelli
Colore degli occhi

Più dettagli


escort evento, Coppia escort, escort Bizarre, Fiera di scorta, escort Sera, Partito scorta, visita hotel, Visita della casa e dell'hotel, Cena scorta

Per le definizioni vedere escort wiki

Incontri con
un uomo, una donna, un paio
Incall (visita personale), Trans (visite hotel)

Più servizi


Valute accettate
Sterlina inglese

(da: 150 Sterlina inglese"1h")
Valute accettate:
Sterlina inglese
Frequenza "1h":
150 Sterlina Inglese
Frequenza "2h":
300 Sterlina Inglese

Altre tariffe


Contatti e orari di apertura
11 am - until late
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Private messenger Vanessa
Vanessa ha finito la conversazione.
Vanessa non desidera più essere contattato.